• Meeting Information


    • In-person
    • Online

    • Families and Friends Only

    Closed Meetings are limited to members and prospective members. These are persons who feel their lives have been or are being affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend.

    Hybrid meeting-meeting in person and on Zoom.

    Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/406404207?pwd=R0xnWmVQMk53TXE3cVlmY2Q4WGNrUT09
    Meeting ID 406 404 207 Password 479339, English

  • Online Meeting

    Join with Zoom
  • St Benedict's Episcopal Church

    4295 Weaver St SE
    Smyrna, GA 30080

  • District 21

    District 21
  • Updated July 14, 2021