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Al-Anon Information Services and Helplines

An Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) is a local service established by one or more groups or districts located close enough to one another for easy access and communication.  An AIS exists to aid the groups it serves in the common purpose of carrying the Al-Anon message to the suffering families and friends of alcoholics.

Some AIS centers operate telephone helplines staffed by Al-Anon members, to help individuals looking for information about Al-Anon and where they can find information regarding Al-Anon meetings.

Area 11 has three Information Services Offices:

Statewide support:  Georgia Area Central Services (GACS) ,

Local Support offices:  Augusta/Fort Gordon Information Services  and Metro Atlanta Information Services (MAIS)

Click the boxes below to learn more

A special word to newcomers: you’re not alone anymore; we’ve been there too. We encourage you to reach out now to learn how Al-Anon and Alateen can help you find the hope and answers you need. We’re here for you.

Meeting Information & Helpline: 478-254-3414

Click the link below to access the Metro Atlanta Information Services website.

MAIS Website

Phone: 404-687-0467


Phone hotline: 706-738-7984

Email address: